Saturday, April 22, 2017

中級から学ぶ日本語 第2章 「つたえる」 Chuukyuu kara manabu nihongo lesson 2 - Conveying (messages)

Hey guys. I had enough time to translate the second text from 中級から学ぶ日本語.

Original text coming from the "Chuukyuu kara manabu nihongo" textbook:


And here's my translation:

An invitation to Yoichi and Ann’s wedding has come. Because back in school those two were always in the same classes and clubs with me, it’s like a wedding of a family member and that makes me really happy. The invitation itself does not include words and phrases used traditionally from a long time ago, but it expresses their feelings, so It’s like they would say “Please come!” smiling vibrantly. When the invitation came, I immediately called to his advertising company to say “Congratulations!” I complemented on their invitation and Youichi said that it had been written by Ann, he had just corrected some mistakes. Even though he lives in an apartment with only 1 room, kitchen and dining room, he invited me to drop by to hang out together.

People say that international marriages are difficult, but those two will be fine. Surely they will establish a great family.

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